The Gartenreich

The Society of Friends of the Gartenreich Dessau-Wörlitz e. V. (registered charity) primarily promotes the preservation and restoration of the Gardens of Dessau-Wörlitz. The cultural, scientific and historic significance of the Gardens of Dessau-Wörlitz is to be vividly portrayed and shared with the public. You, too, can become a member!

Since the Society was founded in 1993, its members have supported the Kulturstiftung Dessau-Wörlitz – be it through donations to fund acquisitions of works of art or plants, or through organisational and financial support to assist with special events.

The principal purpose of the Society has been defined as follows: »The Society primarily promotes the preservation and restoration of the Gartenreich Dessau-Wörlitz by way of financial and idealistic support as well as contributions in kind. The cultural, scientific and historic significance of the Gartenreich Dessau-Wörlitz is to be be vividly portrayed and shared with the public beyond the boundaries of the Dessau region. For this purpose, the Society particularly supports the protection, preservation and restoration of archtictural and horticultural monuments and subsidises the acquisition and recovery of cultural assets.«

As part of a current project, the Society has taken care of the dilapidated historic guesthouse »Zum Eichenkranz« (lit. the oak wreath). Through the support of its members, grants and sponsorships it is set to redevelop the »Gateway to the Wörlitz Gardens« and to put it to new use.

If you would like to become a member of the Society of Friends of the Gartenreich Dessau-Wörlitz, you can obtain further information here:

Gesellschaft der Freunde des Dessau-Wörlitzer Gartenreiches e. V.
Angergasse 104
D-06785 Oranienbaum-Wörlitz

T: +49 (0)34905.30870
T: +49 (0)34905.30871
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